Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Training tips from an Expert

I'm starting this blog in order to share some tips on how to prevent behavioral problems with your dog as well as tips on what to do once problems start. I hope that you will find this information useful and I hope that you will come back and visit from time to time as I post new tips.

Here's my first tip:
Do not get a dog if you do not have time for him or her. A dog needs alot of attention and will suffer if neglected. A dog starved for attention will settle for negative attention if he or she does not get any positive attention. When a dog tries to get negative attention it translates as mischief to you and if you yell at the dog, the dog doesn't understand that what he or she is doing is wrong. This miscommunication can lead to more problems.

So please consider your time, your budget and your lifestyle before you add a dog to your "pack."